164: Summer Survival Series: Episode 1 - Maintaining Routines for a Stress-Free Summer

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I’m so excited to kick off our special Summer Survival Series. Over the next five days, I’ll be sharing practical tips and strategies to help you navigate the summer months with ease and enjoyment. Summer is a wonderful time filled with sunshine, fun, and making memories with our kids, but it can also be challenging to keep everything balanced and running smoothly. That’s where our series comes in!

In today’s episode, we’re diving into the importance of maintaining routines during the summer. It’s all about finding that sweet spot between relaxation and structure to keep both moms and kids sane and happy. Let’s jump in!

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Why Keeping Routines Is Essential in Summer

Summer is all about relaxing and having fun, but maintaining some routines is crucial to ensure everything flows smoothly. Routines provide a sense of stability and help us stay organized, even in the more relaxed summer months. Think of routines as the riverbanks that guide the water. Without them, the water would spill everywhere, creating chaos. Similarly, routines help keep our lives structured, allowing for a more enjoyable and less stressful summer.

Adjust Your Routines for Summer

While routines are important, it’s also essential to adjust them for summer. Here are a few ways to tweak your routines to fit the season’s laid-back vibe:

  • Flexible Bedtimes: Move bedtimes back a little, but don’t ditch them altogether. If your usual bedtime is 8 PM, consider adjusting it to 9 or 9:30 PM. This way, you maintain a semblance of routine while allowing for summer fun.

  • Incorporate Family Workouts: Instead of skipping your workout because the kids are home, include them! Try morning yoga sessions together, schedule weekly hikes, or have fun family HIIT workouts on Saturdays. This keeps everyone active and engaged.

  • Simple Daily Rituals: Establish small daily rituals like making your bed each morning. This simple act can set a productive tone for the day and provide a sense of accomplishment and grounding.

The Power of Making Your Bed

One of the easiest ways to stay on track is to make your bed every morning. It’s a small task that has a big impact. Here’s why:

  • Sense of Accomplishment: Making your bed gives you a win at the start of the day, boosting your mood and productivity.

  • Creates a Calm Space: It helps maintain a tidy, peaceful bedroom where you can retreat for a moment of calm amidst the summer chaos.

  • Sets a Good Example: It models good habits for your kids, encouraging them to take responsibility for their spaces too.

Maintain Consistency with Flexibility

The key to a successful summer routine is consistency with a touch of flexibility. Here are some tips to keep your routines consistent yet adaptable:

  • Daily Rituals: Establish anchor points like morning workouts, quiet time, or themed days (e.g., Water Wednesday, Mountain Monday).

  • Weekly Planning: Take a look at your week in advance to plan activities and commitments. This helps ensure you’re organized and can fit in all the fun summer activities.

Keep Your Sanity and Enjoy Summer

By maintaining routines and adjusting them for the summer, you’ll create a balanced and enjoyable experience for your entire family. Remember, routines are your friend, not your enemy. They help provide structure and flow, making it easier to relax and have fun.

Let’s Keep the Conversation Going!

I’d love to hear from you! How are you managing routines this summer? What tips do you have that work well for you and your family? Let’s chat on Instagram, in the comments, or via DMs. And if you’re not on my weekly email list, send me a DM to join.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s episode where we’ll be talking about creating your summer vision board and bucket list. Until then, grab your sunscreen, your drink of choice, and let’s make this summer the best one yet!


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