Summer Survival Series: Creating Your Perfect Summer Vision Board and Bucket List

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If you’re jumping into our Summer Survival Series, this is part two of five. Be sure to catch up on part one where we discuss the importance of maintaining routines during the summer.

Today, we're diving into a fun and creative activity: crafting your summer vision board and bucket list. These tools will help you and your family make the most of the season without feeling overwhelmed.

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Why Traditional Summer Bucket Lists Can Be Stressful

I’ll be honest, I kind of have a little bit of a beef with traditional bucket lists because they can sometimes add more stress than joy. They often create pressure to do it all and keep up with the picture-perfect lives we see on social media. This can lead to burnout, disappointment, and a whole lot of self-judgment. Trust me, I’ve been there! It’s easy to feel like you’re not doing enough when you see those endless lists of summer activities.

So what to do instead……


Introducing the Summer Vision Board

Instead of just focusing on a bucket list, let’s create a summer vision board. This is not just about listing activities but about visualizing the kind of summer you want to have. Here’s how you can get started:

1. Visualize Your Perfect Summer

Imagine it's the end of summer and everything went perfectly. How did it feel? What activities did you do? Take a moment to close your eyes and really think about it. Consider the ages and interests of your kids and what’s realistic for your family.

2. Write It Down

Here’s where the magic happens. After visualizing, write it down. Grab your journal or open a word document and jot down your ideal summer as if it already happened. Describe how you felt, what you did, and why it was special. Get as specific as you can. This helps solidify your vision and makes it more tangible.

3. Create Your Vision Board + Bucket List

Now you’re ready to create a vision board and bucket list. It’s time to gather supplies like magazines, scissors, glue, or use digital tools like Canva. Select images and words that resonate with your summer vision. This can be a fun family activity too. Involve your kids and ask them what their perfect summer looks like.


Planning Your Summer Activities

Now that you have your vision, it’s time to create a bucket list that aligns with it. Here’s how:

1. Align Your Bucket List with Your Vision

Ensure the activities on your list reflect the feelings and experiences you visualized. This way, your bucket list is not just a random collection of activities but a guide to creating meaningful memories.

2. Schedule Your Activities

Planning is key. Look at your calendar and find the best times to fit in your bucket list items. Consider coordinating with other families or friends for group activities.

3. Use Resources Wisely

Don't forget about helpful resources like the Get Out Pass, which offers access to various activities at a discount. It’s a great way to do fun things without breaking the bank. Use my code: POSITIVE to get a really awesome discount.


Make It a Family Affair

You don’t have to take on this process all on your own- Get your family involved in both the visioning and planning process! This ensures that everyone’s interests are included and makes the experience more enjoyable for everyone.

Creating a summer vision board and a thoughtful bucket list can transform your summer from stressful to magical. It’s all about focusing on what truly matters to you and your family.

Join us tomorrow for part three of our Summer Survival Series, where we'll tackle household chores and keeping the household running smoothly during the summer. I’ll share my thoughts on chore charts and practical tips to get your kids involved.

Stay tuned and happy summer planning!


After You Listen:

Need a recap on Part 1: Maintaining Routines for a Stress-Free Summer- click here

Snag your own GETOUT PASS and start having some discounted family fun- Use the code POSITIVE to save even more!

Ready for more positivity? Join The Positively You Personal Growth Book Club- it’s completely free! You’ll grow, connect, make new friends, gain new insights and perspective and so much more!

Connect with me on Instagram- it’s where all the fun really is and I LOVE chatting with you over there.

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Summer Survival Series: Say Goodbye to Summer Chore Charts & Simplify with Zone Cleaning


164: Summer Survival Series: Episode 1 - Maintaining Routines for a Stress-Free Summer