Episode 62: Break Away From (boring) Gratitude Lists & Commit to Expressing More Gratitude
Ah, November……the month when our social media feeds begin to get flooded with gratitude posts. Also the month that our feeds get flooded with gift guides, black friday sales, and tons of BUY THIS NOW type of posts……which the irony is not lost on me…..but that is not what I’m talking about today. I’ll step on that soapbox another day.
This month I wanted to challenge myself (and you too) to step up my gratitude game a little bit. I wanted to put more ACTION behind my words and my posts….I really want to embody and LIVE in gratitude and EXPRESS that gratitude as much and as often as I can.
But How?
In today’s episode I’m sharing my suggestions for bringing more action to your gratitude practices and some ideas on lots of different ways that you can express your gratitude.
Can listen right now? Check out the bullet points below:
Bullet Points in this Episode:
Change your wording. If you ever feel stuck or like you keep repeating the same handful of things you are grateful for, try switching up your language. Instead of prompting yourself with, I am grateful for: _____ try saying something like “ I really love______.” or “ What is something that makes my life easier?” or even “What is something that made me laugh/smile this month?”
Showing gratitude for people in your life: MAKE TIME FOR THEM. Send a handwritten letter in the mail, or tell them in person.
Expressing gratitude for services and/or businesses: Leave a raving 5 star review online. It’s FREE, quick, and easy….but means SOOOOO much.
Showing your family appreciation: Notice the little things that just always get done and take the time to say thank you.
Being grateful for yourself. This one is tricky….but aren’t you grateful to be alive? I know I am! And the best way to express that gratitude is to get out there and live my life. Do the things that make me happy. Use my talents more.
These are just a few bullets points on how to express gratitude this month, so definitely hit that play button up above or listen to episode 62 on your favorite podcast app.
Links you might need from the episode:
Episode 12: How to be More Grateful Everyday
Episode 32: The Amazing Benefits of Writing 365 Thank You Letters
with Gina Hamadey.
How to Express Gratitude to Your Spouse (from A Prioritized Marriage)