Episode 44: Becoming More Present and Aware with Sophie McLean


Sophie McLean has lived a full life. And I mean FULL. Her bio completely blew me away when I first read it and I couldn’t believe that one person had experienced so much.
Sophie was born in Algeria, educated in Morocco and France, with a professional career in the USA and UK.

Sophie has led an eventful life. She has been a helicopter pilot, a teacher, a designer, a relief worker, a war refugee, a CEO, and served as aUnited Nations representative on The Commission on the Status of Women’s Hunger Project. She has been shot at, shipwrecked, and widowed. She has lived on a farm, a boat, a penthouse and an ashram.

Sophie’s mission is to contribute to the creation of a new culture for humankind; or the shift from Homo Sapiens to Homo Spiritus, and if you’re wondering what the heck that even means, tune into this episode for an amazing conversation about what it means to be human.

My Favorite Takeaways From This Episode:

Helping to create a new culture of joyous human beings and shifting what it means to be human. Sophie calls this the shifting from being a homosapien to homospiritus. Basically getting out of our evolutionary survival mode, and shifting to using our senses to feel being alive and connected. More THRIVING and less just getting by.

“Awareness is the ultimate power.”

When you teach your child to cross the street, you teach them to stop. Look right, look left, and then make a decision to cross. That is what awareness is. Taking the time to stop and examine what is happening.

“Always be present. Always, always, always be present.”
Being present allowed me to go through grief and live the rest of my life well, because I was fully in love and living in awareness while I had the chance.

With practice, awareness can become a way of life.

Gratitude and Awareness go hand in hand.

What can we each do to make the world a better place?
Doing the internal work in remembering WHO you really are.

Work on practicing being present each day.

Helpful Links!

Find me on Instagram
Connect with Sophie
Free Course Call of the Soul


Episode 45: 4 Elements to Improve Your Mindset


Episode 43: A Question From My DM’S: Why the “FUN MOM” Title?