Episode 43: A Question From My DM’S: Why the “FUN MOM” Title?


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Todays episode is inspired by a conversation that I had with one of YOU in my DM’s over on Instagram. This happens quite a lot actually, where episodes are inspired by messages, or posts I see on social media, or in real life face to face conversations. So, a few weeks ago I opened up my DM’s to find this question:

”Can I ask a question and not sound brash? Because I legitimately respect you. Why the “fun mom” title all the time? Can’t we just be moms creating fun/good memories? What about the dads making it all possible?”

Well this got me thinking. I didn’t have a good answer for her right away, but I told her that I was grateful for the really insightful question and that I wanted to dive into it with myself and think about it more.

So I did just that. I got thinking and asking myself questions with kindness and curiosity. And it’s taken about a week or so, but I think I finally figured it out.

It’s not the title of “fun mom”. It’s the intention.

Let me explain.

This thought came to me in the shower, like all good thoughts do. It came to me that I wasn’t going after the title of being the fun mom. It was more that in that day, my intention needed to be being present with my kids, and having fun with them. It wasn’t that I needed anyone else to notice it, or validate me, or praise me. It was more that I just needed to shut off everything else that was pulling at me, the house, chores, meal planning, work,……all the things…. and just put my focus on being “fun mom”.

I realize that as a mom and a wife and a woman, I have a ton of different hats and responsibilities and the reality of it is that I cannot do all of the things all of the time. If you try to multitask and do all of the things for all of the people all of the time, you are going to BURN OUT.

So I discovered that it wasn’t really about the title or the label. It was more about declaring focus or what my intention needed to be that day. And okay, sure, I’ll own up to wanting to pat myself on the back and feel good about myself. I’m human, okay. But when I really dive in and think about it, this is where I landed.

If this insight was helpful to you, please let me know. Screenshot and share, or heck! Send me a DM or ask a question and maybe you’ll inspire another episode of the show!

Here are some links to things that you might find helpful!

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Episode 44: Becoming More Present and Aware with Sophie McLean


Episode 42: Creating an Easy Love in Your Relationship