Episode 021: Happiness Hack; Elevating Your Thank You’s.

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Ya’ll know I’m crazy passionate about showing up on purpose, living intentionally, and trying to find the good and leaning into becoming your best self. I know that everyday isn’t sunshine and rainbows- but we can do little things each day to create the kind of environment that lights us up and makes the world a brighter place in the process.

Thats why I think that it’s important to have a toolbox full of things, tricks, hacks or whatever that we can pull out to help us do that. It could be Self care, working out, meditation……just simple things we can do to shift our moods and help us move out of a funk and into living a more positive and intentional life.

Today I wanna share with you one of the tools in my toolbox. And since I’m a nerd and I love an alliteration let’s call it a HAPPINESS HACK.

Start by thinking about the interactions that you have on a daily basis: kids, spouse, teachers, fast food workers, grocery store people, online interactions……etc….just a typical day in the life.

It’s easy to go through these interaction on auto pilot. But with a simple tweak, you can take a random ‘blah” day up a notch and make it completely magical by inputting just one simple trick.


Yep. And the best way I have found to measure my enthusiasm level is by taking note of the way I say “THANK YOU”

There is a big difference in a quick ‘thanks” as you are driving away and a “ Thank you so much, Linda. Have a great rest of your day!”

It doesn’t seem like much, but just by getting more intentional and enthusiastic about the way you say Thank You, you’ve just elevated your vibration, and you’ve made a positive impact on Linda- and it really didn’t take much.

And bonus- now Linda is feeling good and she’s gonna pass on those good vibes and suddenly the world is just a little bit better. Ripple effect for the win!

So as you are going through you day, take notice of the other humans that you interact with- look them in the eye, look at their name tag and call them by name, show appreciation and gratitude….. I promise these little efforts have an enormous compound effect.

So try it out this week. Get a little bit more excited about your thank you’s and see if it makes a positive difference for you.

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Episode 22: Creating a Laundry Routine That Basically Runs Itself


Episode 020: The Best New Habit We Started in 2020