170. Summer Date Night Hacks: Keeping Your Relationship Strong During the Summer Chaos

I hope you've been soaking up the summer as much as I’ve been loving our Summer Survival Series. We covered so many fantastic tips and strategies to keep your summer smooth and enjoyable—from preventing the summer slide to hacking your way to a cleaner home to embracing boredom. The feedback from you all has been incredible!

I've heard from so many of you about what you loved, your "aha" moments, and the new routines you've been implementing. It’s been amazing to hear how the series has positively impacted your summer. But guess what? As I was reflecting on this series, I realized there are two really big summer survival hacks we missed, and I just had to share them with you. So, today we’re diving into the first one: keeping the spark alive with date nights.


Why Date Nights Matter

Summer can be a whirlwind. The kids are home, routines are out the window, and it feels like our main job is to entertain, feed, and drive our kids from place to place. With all this going on, it’s easy to put our relationship on the backburner. But I’m telling you, now more than ever, it’s crucial to prioritize date night.

Date nights help us reconnect and recharge, providing that much-needed adult-only time and a break we all need. Maintaining a strong partnership improves communication, reduces stress, and sets a positive example for our kids about the importance of nurturing relationships.


Making Date Nights Happen

Finding time for date nights can be tough, especially with a busy summer schedule. But here's a tip: babysitters might actually be easier to find during the summer. Many teenagers and younger tweens are looking for ways to make money, and babysitting is a great option for them. You might have better luck during the summer than during the busy school year when they have so many activities going on.

You can also ask your own kids to step up, depending on their ages. My youngest is eight and my oldest is thirteen, which means they’re at an age where they can handle some responsibility. Part of what I loved about our chores and zones episode was the idea of creating a teamwork mentality in our families. This applies here too—not just in taking care of our home, but in helping us to have space and time for our relationships.


Overcoming Guilt

It’s common to feel guilty about taking time away from the kids, especially during the summer when we want to create those great memories. But remember, a healthy relationship benefits the whole family. When you take time to reconnect and recharge, you’ll be a better, more present parent. Enjoying date night guilt-free is essential for showing up as your best self.


Creative Date Night Ideas

Not all date nights need to be elaborate. Here are some ideas to keep it simple and special:

  • Home-Based Dates: Enjoy a backyard picnic, cook a special meal together, or have a movie marathon.

  • Outdoor Adventures: Take advantage of the summer weather with activities like hiking, stargazing, or attending local events.

  • Quick Getaways: Plan short getaways or day trips to nearby attractions.


Tips for Making It Happen

  1. Schedule It: Put date nights on the calendar and treat them as non-negotiable.

  2. Swap Childcare: Arrange childcare swaps with friends or family.

  3. Keep It Simple: Remember, date nights don’t have to be extravagant. The focus is on quality time together.


My Favorite Summer Date Nights

One of my favorite date nights from last summer was attending an outdoor concert. We saw the Foo Fighters, my husband’s absolute favorite band, and Chris Stapleton, whose songs always remind us of each other. These were two amazing nights that I’m looking forward to replicating this summer.

So, what’s your favorite summer date night idea? How are you making time for your relationship this summer? Share your stories with me—I’d love to hear them!

If you missed any of the past episodes from our Summer Survival Series, they are all linked below so you can catch up. And if you enjoyed this episode or any others, please share it with a friend. If you love this podcast and haven’t left a review yet, please take a moment to scroll down, hit those five stars, and write a quick sentence. It would make my day and help others discover the show.

That’s it for this week. See you in the next episode!


Catch Up on the Summer Survival Series

Need a recap on the rest of the Summer Survival Series?
Part 1: Maintaining Routines for a Stress-Free Summer- click here
Part 2: Creating Your Perfect Summer Vision Board and Bucket List -click here
Part 3: Say Goodbye to Summer Chore Charts & Simplify with Zone Cleaning- click here
Part 4: Preventing The Summer Slide- click here
Part 5: Embracing Boredom- click here

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Other Episodes You’ll Love:


Share Your Favorite Date Night Ideas

Join the conversation on Instagram @positively.jessie reply to this post with your favorite summer date night ideas. Let’s keep the spark alive and make this summer the best one yet!


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