159. How AirPods and Snooze Buttons Are Revolutionizing My Mornings

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Welcome back to the Positively You Podcast! I'm thrilled to be here once again, sharing insights into my life and experiences. Today's topic hits close to home for many moms out there—creating a morning routine. As a mom myself, I understand the struggles all too well. We're often bombarded with advice to wake up earlier, seize the day before the kids wake up, and set the tone for a productive day. But let's be real: with little ones in the house, we're lucky to get the sleep we need, let alone wake up even earlier!

I'll be honest—I used to resent those suggestions. The idea of sacrificing precious sleep to cram in a lengthy morning routine seemed daunting, if not impossible. That's why I'm so excited to share this approach with you today. It's a game-changer because it doesn't require waking up earlier. You can literally stay in bed, savoring those last few moments of rest, all while incorporating mindfulness, intentionality, and giving yourself a morning win.

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The Morning Mindset Shift

Like many of us, I desired a calmer, more intentional start to my day. But the elaborate morning routines suggested by many seemed overwhelming. So, I began with the smallest of steps, focusing on creating tiny wins to build momentum.

The Power of Meditation

Incorporating meditation into my mornings became my anchor. I started with sessions as short as 7-15 minutes, using the Insight Timer app. This gentle start allowed me to ease into mindfulness without pressure.

Snooze Button Strategy

Contrary to popular advice, I embraced my snooze button. By setting my alarm a few minutes earlier and utilizing my AirPods, I could seamlessly transition from sleep to mindfulness practice without leaving my bed.

Personalized Baseline Goals

Instead of aiming for a complex morning routine, I set a simple baseline goal: morning meditation. This mindset shift allowed me to celebrate consistency and flexibility, rather than perfection.

Expanding the Routine

Over time, I gradually added elements like journaling, stretching, or a brief walk. Each addition was optional, ensuring that I never felt overwhelmed or like a failure for missing a step.

Mindful Mornings for the Whole Family

I extended this approach to my children, incorporating peaceful music and gentle wake-up routines to set a positive tone for their days.

Finding your ideal morning routine isn't about adhering to strict guidelines—it's about discovering what works best for you. For me, embracing my AirPods and snooze button has transformed my mornings from chaotic to calm, one small step at a time. Remember, it's okay to start small and build gradually. So, whether you're a seasoned morning person or just beginning your journey, I encourage you to explore what brings you joy and peace each morning.

What about you? How do you kickstart your mornings? Share your experiences with us on Instagram, and let's inspire each other to greet each day with positivity and intentionality. Until next time, rise and shine!


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Get the Full Show Notes and All the Iinks here


Ep 1: The Easiest Morning Routine In the World

Ep 18: How to Create Habits That Stick and Accomplish Your Goals

Ep 111: You Deserve to Feel Good with Heather Chauvin


160. Radiate Confidence: Tips from Pualei Lynn on Recognizing Your Inherent Beauty


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