154. Join the Positively Me Challenge: Building Healthy Habits Together!

I'm feeling extra excited today, and let me tell you why. Spring is just around the corner, and I couldn't be more thrilled. It's like the universe hitting the reset button, don't you think?

I've always felt a bit out of sync with the traditional New Year's resolutions in January. Instead, I prefer to align my goals with the natural rhythms of the Earth. So, happy spring equinox, my friends! To me, this marks the real beginning of the year – a time for renewal, growth, and fresh starts.

But you know what else spring means? Summer is on its way, and while I'm beyond excited for my favorite season, I'll admit it can also stir up some old thoughts and feelings. You see, like many of us, I've been influenced by society's unrealistic standards of beauty and fitness.

Despite years of personal growth and self-love, those pesky thoughts sometimes sneak back in. Just the other day, I caught myself thinking, "Summer's coming – time to tighten up."

Ugh, I cringed even as the words formed in my mind. But it got me thinking – how can we shift this mindset?

That's where the Positively Me Challenge comes in. It's my way of saying goodbye to the toxic diet culture and hello to a happier, healthier approach to life. And guess what? I want you to join me!

This challenge isn't about drastic changes or restrictive diets. It's about small, sustainable shifts that lead to big results. From making your bed every morning to taking a daily walk, we're focusing on progress, not perfection.

So, what's on the agenda? Here's a sneak peek:


  1. Make Your Bed: Start your day on the right foot with a simple win.

  2. Daily Movement: Get outside and enjoy some positive, life-giving movement.

  3. Workout: Break a sweat and get those endorphins flowing, your way.

  4. Hydration: Stay refreshed and energized with plenty of water.

  5. Nourish Your Body: Listen to what your body needs and nourish it accordingly.

  6. Reading: Feed your mind with a good book – join our Positively You Book Club!

  7. Mindfulness: Take a moment for yourself – meditate, journal, or simply breathe.

And here's the best part – it's completely free to join! All you need is a simple habit tracker (I've made one on Google Docs – check the link below) and a willingness to embrace positive change.

Now, I get it – starting new habits can be tough. That's why I'm offering additional support for those who need it. Whether you're looking for one-on-one guidance or just some extra accountability, I've got you covered.

So, what do you say? Are you ready to join me on this journey of self-discovery and growth? Whether you're tuning in on launch day or catching up later, it's never too late to start. Let's make this spring a season of transformation – together.

Sending you all the love and positivity in the world,

Jessie ❤️

P.S. Don't forget to tag me on social media and share your daily wins!


Join the Challenge Here!

Join The Positively You Personal Growth Book Club- it’s completely free!
You’ll grow, connect, make new friends, gain new insights and perspective and so much more!

Connect with me on Instagram- it’s where all the fun really is and I LOVE chatting with you over there.

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Ep 150: Simple Steps to Prioritize Your Marriage

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