140. Decoding Your Unique Energetic Blueprint Using Human Design with Andie Thueson
Today I am over the moon excited to dive into this episode where we are diving into mysteries of Human Design. I’ve got the incredible Andie Thueson with us, and trust me, this is a journey you won't want to miss. Buckle up as we explore the layers of Human Design and tap into the unique magic within each of us.
Discovering Your Unique Blueprint
Human Design is not just another personality test. Human Design is really like this hybrid of all these really cool ancient knowledge systems. It takes in Western Astrology. Then it takes in the Chakra system. So you'll, if you're familiar with chakras, that feeds into the system. And then it bring in the principles of the Chinese I Ching. Then also the Kabbalah, which is the tree of life and the incarnation crosses really play into that. So there's all these really beautiful ancient systems that feed in to create this composite chart or energetic blueprint of your life.
Andie likes to call it your soul's blueprint, or your owner's manual, because it really does give you a really good idea of who you were born to be for the world told you who you are.
How is Human Design Different From Personality Tests
We all know that I love taking personality tests. But what I love about Human Design is that it is only based on three bits of information.
Your time of birth
Your date of birth
Your place of birth.
That's it.
So you don't have to take a quiz. You don't have to like kind of like wrap your brain about answering the question. And how does this best fit me now? It really does just give you this like cold blueprint of how you incarnated into this lifetime, really who you were meant to be before the world told you who we are.
Human Design Types
In Human Design, there are five main energetic types – Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector. Each type operates uniquely and possesses specific traits that influence interactions and decisions. By learning your type, you will understand how you are best meant to function and move through life.
Reflectors = Are tapped into feeling the collective energy and are meant to mirror how we are doing collectively. They are powerful and can move through life being carried by Source/God/Universe. They often find themselves in the right place at the right time when aligned.
Manifestors = Manifestors are meant to be leaders who start movements and can create when connected with the divine via urges. They are the fire starters.
Projectors = Projectors are skilled at reading others’ energy. They are also meant to be tapped into systems and see the inefficiencies of this world. Projectors are powerful see-ers, here to SEE and direct, not so much be a do-er.
Manifesting Generators = Are not meant to move through life linearly. They are meant to follow their interests, collecting information and systems while they grow, crafting a NEW way of doing things from what they have learned. They are the mavericks and busters of boxes.
Generators = Create energy and excitement around them when they lean into what they love and what excites them. When they release all their shoulds and prioritize THEIR joy, life flows and becomes easy and joyful. Life is meant to carry them.
Honoring Your Authority:
Each type has it’s own authority or internal compass that guides us in decision-making. Whether it's the gut feeling of the sacral authority or the clarity of the emotional authority, understanding and honoring these signals is pivotal for aligning with our authentic selves.
Showcasing Your Brilliance
While it’s fun to get into all the nitty gritty details of human design, I want to share why I love it so much. Human Design is just such a fun self discovery tool where you can just take one little aspect at a time and dive into it and get to know yourself better.
And as you do, these gifts show up. You show up brighter. You show up lighter. you're understanding yourself and in turn you are relating to the people around you so much better as well.
An Invitation to Self-Discovery
As we wrapped up this cosmic journey, consider this your personal invitation. Reach out, ask questions, and become part of this vibrant community of self-discovery. Whether it's a free human design chart or a deep dive into personalized readings, Andie is here to guide you on your journey.
Links You Need:
Get Your Own Human Design Chart: https://andiethueson.com/free-human-design-chart/
Schedule a Reading with Andie: https://andiethueson.as.me/schedule.php
Come chat with me about this episode on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/positively.jessie/
Connect with Andie on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therealandiethueson/