133. Refresh and Recharge: Clearing the Energy Clutter
I'm thrilled to be back on the Positively You podcast with you this week. I recently took a little break from recording to soak up the sun on the beaches of Cancun to celebrate my 15 wedding anniversary. I'm back with an exciting topic I can't wait to share with you:
protecting our energy.
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Before we dive into this practice, let's do a quick recap of what I call my weekly report. You see, this report is a fun way to stay present, connected, and grateful in your life. It's a simple acronym - R E P O R T - which stands for reading, eating, playing, obsessed with, recommending, and treating myself. Here's a glimpse of my latest report:
Reading: I finally finished reading "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" while I was sipping margaritas on the beaches of Cancun. I might be a bit late to the game, but it was a fantastic, fun read.
Eating: I indulged in a lot of tacos, Mexican food, guacamole, and margaritas during my beach vacation. No regrets, just a week of pure bliss.
Playing: My husband Conor and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary, and we let loose, danced, and practiced the Dirty Dancing lift on the beach. (Yes, we really did. If you follow on Instagram there’s a Reel for proof 🤣) It felt like we were honeymooners again.
Obsessed with: I found a beautiful conch shell in the ocean, which was a rare find at the beach we were at. It felt like a little gift, and I was over the moon excited.
Recommending: My top recommendation is laughter. We had so much fun during our vacation, and it made me realize we all need more laughter in our lives.
Treating Myself: I've been treating myself well, celebrating life, and filling my cup.
Now, let's get into the heart of today's topic: protecting our energy. This idea came to me while I was at the gym, chatting with a friend. We discussed the importance of decompressing, whether you work from home or outside the home. We've all experienced those moments where we bring home negative energy from our day.
Here's the visual I want you to imagine:
Picture yourself with cords or strings attached to you, one for each person you've interacted with during the day. These cords represent the energy flowing back and forth between you and others. At the end of the day, you may be carrying a heavy load, and it's no wonder you sometimes feel snappy, exhausted, or overwhelmed.
Release energy that isn't ours
So, how do we release this energy that isn't ours? There are various ways to do it, and I'm not one for strict rules or procedures. I learned this as a cord-cutting technique, where you sever these energetic cords. Alternatively, you can use sage to cleanse your energy or practice an energy release or clearing.
I like to envision clearing these cords by brushing them off, shaking them away, or using scissors to snip them. Another method is to visualize releasing this energy back to its source with love. Imagine your energy returning to you and the foreign energy leaving. Breathe in and feel renewed.
The Impact of Intention
The best part? You can do this at any time, as often as needed. The impact on your well-being is profound. I must admit that I was intentional about this practice earlier in the year but got lax during the summer. However, I've realized how different I feel when I don't protect my energy. It's night and day, and I'm back to being intentional about it.
I'd love to hear from you! Do you have your own energy clearing practice, and if so, how does it work for you? Or, if this is new to you and you're excited to try, let's chat about it. Pop over to Instagram, find me at @positively.jessie, and slide into my DMs. I'm always curious and eager to learn new perspectives.
That's it for today, and I'm excited to be back with some fantastic interviews in the coming weeks. Until then, have a wonderful, energy-filled week!