125. Creating Room For More Fun, Connection, and Purpose in Your Life with Camille Walker

Welcome to Season 4 of The Positively You Podcast!

Today I'm super excited to bring you the latest episode. Brace yourself for some seriously awesome insights from my BFF and guest, Camille Walker. We had a heart-to-heart about the ultimate juggling act: motherhood, working (inside or outside of the home), and taking care of yourself.

**Finding Balance**

Camille is a rockstar mom of four, a blogger, podcaster, virtual assistant trainer, and a business coach, and she dropped some serious wisdom bombs on finding balance in life. I love that she really reminded us to be mindful of our seasons and that it's all about aligning our values with our time and being okay with being a work in progress. There's always room to grow and find our own path.

**Personality Tests for the Win**

Camille's secret weapon for self-reflection and self-discovery? Personality tests! (Um, I love this idea)She recommended this awesome website called understand.me where you can take five personality tests for free. Not only can you learn about yourself this way, but you can even share link with others which can lead to better understanding and teamwork in all your relationships.

**Creating a Joy List**

Camille has the genius idea to create a "joy list" full of all the things big and small that bring you joy. Then you find creative ways to squeeze self-care into your daily routine.

Sometimes we fall into the trap that self care or making time for the things that light us up take too much time so we just don’t do it at all. But if we can be mindful of the little things, (like I LOVE a good sunset or walk with a friend) then I am able to make room for those things daily.

I'm totally stoked to make my own joy list and I really want you to join me! If you make a joy list, snap a picture, post it on IG and make sure to tag me! I can’t wait to see what’s on your list!

**Communication is Queen**

Probably the single most important thing Camille shared is the need for communication. The “easy” part is figuring out our desires, needs, and things on our joy list. The harder part can be communicating those needs to our partner’s, spouses, or other support people in our lives. Camille shared that sharing her needs and desires with her partner and support system has been a game-changer and honestly I couldn't agree more! Expressing ourselves prevents misunderstandings and opens the door for mutual support. And when we have that understanding and support it’s so much easier to actually fit all the things in.

**Fear? Nah, Not Today**

Camille dropped some major truth bombs on mindset, conquering fear, and seeking mentors when chasing our dreams. She's all about giving ourselves the same love and encouragement we'd give to our kiddos.

**Okay, but HOW?!?**

Alright, so we are on board with discovering ourselves, creating a joy list, and communicating our needs to our people. But like HOW do we actually find the time for those things. Camille spilled the beans on how she manages her jam-packed schedule. It involves intentional scheduling, delegating or hiring help, and making self-care a priority.

Okay so this is obviously the TLDL ( too long didn’t listen) version, but I really encourage you to go and listen because it’s SOOOO good and will definitely motivate and inspire you today.

To find more and connect with Camille you can find her on Instagram

If you’re looking for a way to add income to your household but still be available as a mom, check out her VA (virtual assistant) course that teaches you how to create your own flexible business. https://linktr.ee/camillewalker

Check out Camille’s podcast: Call Me CEO


126. The Art of Living Fully: Embracing Excitement and Anticipation
